SMASH Programmes

What is SMASH Worldwide weight loss programme

Get ready to Smash it!

What is SMASH all about? You probably have had people say that they are doing a SMASH programme but you don’t know much about it. Well let me explain.

In February 2018 I launched my new SMASH health programmes!  I know that these programmes will help so many people in their quest for long term health.

How did the SMASH Programmes come about?

SMASH was created out of my desire to help people in an alternative way. Diet programmes that are being promoted nowadays do not seem to be working in the long run.  People will do them for a while, stop and then regain all the weight that they had lost.  Think about how many “rejoin in January and avail of a no rejoining fee” promotions did you see before Christmas and all throughout January?  There were lots out there!

However, if their diet programmes work, and change their clients lives forever, why then do they need to rejoin? You see that is what I struggle with. These programmes always claim to change to peoples’ lives forever but the reality is that it never really does. When you just use a generic “food plan” and everyone uses the same plan, you never really get to the bottom of what is happening in your body and how it needs to be managed.

How is The SMASH Way Weight Loss programme different?

My goal is to have people to do my SMASH programme and NEVER need to need my services again! I will always be here if anyone needs me, but I want to give people the power so that they don’t.

During the SMASH programmes, I will be teaching people about what they need to do to take control of their eating habits and health. Once people are in control AND educated they then are able to make a change forever. When you feel how good your body should feel, it is amazing and you never go back to your old bad habits.

My services are very personalised and very much focused on the client. I get to the bottom of why there is an issue with food and the relationship with it. I get to the bottom of the reason why the body is storing fat. Weight gain and fat storage is a symptom of an underlying issue. Once you sort that out, the results are outstanding and long lasting. This is a bespoke look at YOUR lifestyle and what you need to “fix” your body so that you can turn it into a fat burning machine and live a life with energy and vitality.

Who can benefit from the SMASH Way weight loss programmes?

If you answer yes to any of the following questions you will benefit from my SMASH programmes and we need to have a chat:-

What is the best way to lose weight? Weight loss programme

The questions above are the most common issues that are a sign that you need to do something more than a “diet”. If fact I would say that “dieting” is that last thing that you need to do. Dieting puts so much stress on the body, that it is counter productive. A diet always has a start and finish date and if this is something that you are looking for, this is not the programme for you.

With the SMASH programme you will be taught how to live your life without ever dieting again. Part of the programme does involve an elimination period but once that is complete, you will be eating foods that are right for your body and that will ensure that you get the best from your body. You will be eating real foods that will nourish your body and fuel it correctly.


If you would like any further details you can contact me on the email address below or give me a call.

I conduct an initial consultation with every personal client before recommending any programme to them. Each programme recommended is unique to the person involved, as each persons’ situation is unique. The initial consultation costs £125-£175 and involves the following:-


What happens after your Initial Consultation?

Once you have your initial consultation you can then decide if you would like to complete a SMASH programme and change your life forever.

The options that are available for clients that need intense coaching are:-

  • 4 week course of weekly hour long consultations. (limited spaces)*
  • 8 week course of weekly hour long consultations (limited spaces)*
  • 8 week course of week 1/2 hour long consultations (limited spaces)*
  • 8 week course of weekly hour long consultations and bespoke recommendation of supplements that will help to restore and re-balance your body. (limited spaces)*

* I only take a limited number of clients on a monthly basis. This is due to the intense nature of The SMASH 1 to 1 Programmes and the fact that I want to give all my clients 100%. Once the appointments are gone, they are gone. Only when someone completes their programme will another spot open up.  If you would like to get on the waiting list, please email me with the subject matter as “waiting list”

The SMASH Way Programme

If you don’t require 1 to 1 coaching, but would still like to take advantage of my healthy eating programmes, you have another option. I recognise that there are people that want to learn about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles but don’t want to commit to/need the intense coaching programmes. If this is you, The SMASH Way is perfect for you.

This will be online programme that you have access to

  • healthier way of eating,
  • show you the pitfalls that are common in most “diets”,
  • delicious healthy recipes that the whole family will love,
  • tips and ideas to overcome the common hurdles that cause people to fail when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.
  • You will break your addiction to sugar/chocolate/unhealthy carbs – if you think you aren’t addicted and don’t need to give them up it is a real sign that you do ;-) 
  • Weekly opportunity to speak to me with a LIVE Questions and Answers session
  • Online Support Community to support you throughout your process 24/7
  • You will “unlearn your diet mindset” and re-tune your relationship with food.

The SMASH Way is the most affordable and most comprehensive way to lose weight. It is definitely something that every woman should do. Get started today

If you would like to book an initial consultation, please contact me at  –

If you area not ready to commit yet, that’s ok, keep up to date with me on my Facebook Page and when you are ready just give me  a shout.

Here is to you Smashing your health goals going forward!

Yours in Health & Happiness

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