Thinking of waiting until January to start?

Thinking of waiting until January to start?

Do new years resolutions work for weight loss?

Every year at this time, women tend to start thinking more about what they are going to be doing in the new year for their new years resolutions, on how they are going to "finally" get healthy next year. They will give themselves permission to do what ever they want because January is coming and it will be different next year

However plenty of women put off making the decision of what they are going to do, to the last minute.

And then they make the snap decision to do something that they tried before (and didn't work) or try something totally crazy, which means they usually end up with the same results that DON'T last.

Each January, I get a big rush of people who want me to help them to lose weight, but I’m usually well booked out by then.

The people who get the best results are the ones who get started now because they have already started to think about healthy habits that will help them long term.

Healthy Lifestyle versus Yo-Yo Dieting.

This is why I talk continue to talk about eating healthy even though it is not the traditional "diet" season.

Women who get started now, tend to enjoy more energy, losing weight before Christmas and know that they can enjoy Christmas without the dread of feeling like crap, and having to starve themselves in January.

These ladies also have the joy of knowing exactly what to cook in the winter months that will nourish their body whilst helping it stay healthy too.

Dieting mistakes

Unfortunately, many women tend to make the same three mistakes when they’re thinking of waiting until January to start a "diet" again.

1 - they think "what the hell", I'm going to be really good in January, so I might as well enjoy myself to the maximum until then. This results in even more damage being done to the body, making losing weight even more difficult in the new year.

2 - they become even more addicted to the comfort foods that many over eat in the winter months.  This then makes it even harder to give up the junk in the new year and withdrawal symptoms are awful.

3 - they start to google "what is the fastest way to lose weight" in preparation for January. So many gimmicks will pop up and very few, if any are safe and healthy ways to lose weight. This can result in you investing in something that could potentially damage your body in the long run - that happened to me once.

Those who make all three of these mistakes tend to waste the most time, money and energy in the long run trying to live a healthy lifestyle, and when in reality, if they just started to live life the SMASH Way now, things would be so much easier.

So, if you are thinking of holding off until January before you start your healthy regime, think again. Why not start to take care of your body now, so that you will have less to do when the new year starts and you will feel so much better in the run up to Christmas too.

Living a healthy lifestyle is something that should be done the whole year around, not just for the first 6 weeks of the year.

Statistically, New Years Resolutions fail, so don't set yourself up for failure.

Take control now. Educate yourself on the correct way to fuel your body and then know that you can make the right decisions over the Christmas period, enjoy it 100% and then get back to your healthy living asap. 

Healthy Eating over the Christmas Holidays

Check out the SMASH Christmas Party Food for ideas of delicious desserts and party foods that taste amazing and won't have a negative impact on your health.

If you are thinking about starting to live a healthy lifestyle, why not start now.
The SMASH Way can help you with this going forward! You can get it now, familiarise yourself with many of the delicious recipes, start living a healthier lifestyle and know that you are nourishing your body in the best way possible going forward.

Get ready to SMASH it

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